Best SSD Laptop – Time to upgrade your laptop SSD style
The increasing power of technology has made us accustomed to nearly instant gratification. The speed of our devices is one of the most important qualities we look for. No one wants to wait forever for that application to open up, we want to look at that file now! So, to help speed things along with your laptop, you’ll definitely want to consider an SSD, or solid state drive. Whether you want a laptop for writing or for playing games, we have a recommendation for you.
SSDs don’t rely on moving parts or magnetic media to store data, unlike HDDs or hard disk drives. They can access stored data much more quickly than HDD. So that one program that always takes forever to load on your current HDD computer? It will load much faster on a new laptop with a SSD installed. Boot times when you start your computer up are also greatly improved by SSD.
If it’s so much better than HDD, why do we even still have HDDs at all? Well, SSDs are much more expensive, and generally have much less storage space. You can go out and get a 1TB SSD for a pretty penny, or you can get twice the space for a fraction of the price on a HDD. It all depends on your priorities. That being said, there’s plenty of other options out there to offset the smaller storage space of SSD, and still let you get the better speeds.
For now, we’ll take a look at some of the best SSD laptops on the market. Later, we’ll go into ways you can supplement your SSD for those larger files.